Terms of Use


These Terms of Use govern your access to and use of the Notion integrations provided by Customer Experience Design & Development (CEDD). By using our integrations, you agree to comply with these terms.

Use of the Integrations

You may use our integrations for personal or business purposes as outlined in these Terms of Use. You agree not to:

  • Use the integrations for unlawful activities.
  • Modify, adapt, or hack the integrations.
  • Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, or resell any portion of the integrations without express permission.

User Responsibilities

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials and for all activities that occur under your account. Notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account.

Intellectual Property

All content, design, and technology related to our integrations are the intellectual property of CEDD. You agree not to infringe on our intellectual property rights.


We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our integrations at our discretion, with or without notice, if we believe you have violated these terms.

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, CEDD shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with your use of our integrations.

Changes to These Terms

We may update these Terms of Use periodically. Continued use of our integrations after any changes will constitute your acceptance of the new terms.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, please contact us at info@ced.dev.